Register for the next Bridging, Bonding & Building Social Trust Retreat. Register



We’re producing a documentary to capture how Black and White women experience contemporary race relations in America, and how the tensions and barriers that lead to social mistrust are being resolved in the interest of racial equity. Production for the documentary began in 2021 and will be available for viewing in 2023.

Click here to help support bringing Trust in Black & White to the widest audience possible.


We’re forming learning communities to explore innovative strategies for living within the duality of race and gender and to develop the necessary competencies for our individual and collective work of racial equity. These weekend retreats aim to enhance social trust as a foundational aspect of a strong coalition of women invested in gender solidarity to advance racial equity. Bridging & Bonding Retreats are open to all those for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience, including but not limited to cisgender women, gay women, transgender women, and non-binary individuals.

Click here to register for the next Bridging, Bonding & Building Social Trust Retreat.


Metrics matter. Understanding how social trust operates and how racialized and politicized trust gets dismantled takes work. To create new paradigms for building trust takes gathering the best minds in the field to help us to design tools and workshops that turn us and them into we.

Click here to help fund research initiatives to support learning together and building trust as a bedrock of healthy communities.


Language represents our thinking and words create worlds. To “get to we” and move from our current dominance model to a relational model of understanding the dynamics of differences requires changing the narrative that will lead us to new ways of knowing and being. To do that, GTW offers a curated Read, Watch, Listen List of books, media, podcasts, and our annual GTW Books—all of these resources are aligned with a contemporary understanding of differences. Me to We Wednesdays on our social media platforms present quotes that inspire us to be better humans for other humans and GTW annually amplifies the voices of writers of books, essays, screen plays, and poetry whose message is aligned with the mission, vision, and values of GTW with a prestigious Words Create Worlds Award.

Click here to contribute to sustaining the Words Create Worlds Annual Award.

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