Donate now and together we’ll turn us and them into we.


Below are links to some of the most requested materials and exercises that Dr. Plummer has used in her DEIB practice and written about in her books. As part of the Getting to We Community, please feel free to use these materials as long as you honor the copyright and include the citation (c) D.L Plummer. For further information on any of the materials, exercises, projects, or for speaking engagements requests, please feel free to contact

Online Assessment Tools


What’s Your Antiracist Style?

There’s more to being an antiracist than aligning yourself with its value and endorsing its principles. Take this antiracist self-assessment tool to determine how effectively you work to dismantle racism in systems and within yourself.

Antiracist Style Indicator (ASI)

Take The ASI

What’s Your Racial Identity Status?

Living in an increasingly multiracial society, achieving healthy racial identity resolution and understanding ourselves as racial beings is complex. The RISSA supports you to understand your racial identity resolution process and how it is manifested in your personal and professional lives.

Racial Identity Status Self-Assessment (RISSA)

Take The RISSA

DIBS (Diversity Inclusion Belonging Survey)

An assessment tool designed especially for arts organizations, firms, agencies, non-profits, small businesses and corporations that captures data on member engagement and their sense of belonging, the inclusive characteristics of the organizational culture, and the degree to which diverse groups experience inclusion.

Learn More



In My World Exercise


Telling Your Racial Identity Story


Isms Matrix


Isms Matrix Completed for Racism


Community Experience Exercise


Community Experience Exercise Facilitator’s Guide


Diversity Petal Diagram


Diversity Petal Exercise Facilitator’s Guide


Social Trust Exercises


Episode 18: Deborah Plummer On Turning Us And Them Into We

Little Detours with Regina Brett

Episode page 

Who Are Your ‘Quick And Deep’ Friends?

Death Sex and Money