Words Create Worlds
Language represents our thinking and words create worlds. To “get to we” and move to a relational model of understanding the dynamics of differences requires changing the narrative that will lead us to new ways of knowing and being. To do that, GTW offers a curated Read, Watch, Listen List of books, media, podcasts, our annual GTW Books and our Becoming Better Humans Speaker Series—all of these resources are aligned with a contemporary understanding of differences. GTW annually amplifies the voices of writers of books, essays, screen plays, and poetry whose message is aligned with the mission, vision, and values of GTW with a prestigious Words Create Worlds Award.
Words Create Worlds Award
Our 2024 winner is Dolly Chugh, Author of A More Just Future. The subtitle, Psychological Tools for Reckoning with Our Past and Driving Social Change, is a perfect summary of its message as the book provides doable recommendations on how to deal with current racial dynamics.
We encourage nominations of writers whose work inspire us to practice Me to We skills.

Read. Watch. Listen.
A collection of resources with the focus on learning together and building trust as the bedrock of healthy communities and inclusive, high performing organizations.

Sparking meaningful conversations that sharpen our thinking, challenge our assumptions, and foster solidarity and equity is central to our mission. Words create worlds. These resources provide us with tools to navigate the dynamics of differences, blow past stereotypes and unconscious biases and create mindsets for new ways of knowing and being.
Becoming Better Human Speaker Series
Becoming Better Human Speaker Series is a virtual forum with national thought leaders exploring “just-in-time” topics to support understanding the interplay of current events and inclusion principles. The series are open to the public and are provided at no cost through the support of generous donors.
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