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Award Nominations


Established in 2021, the Words Create Worlds Award amplifies the voices of writers with a book, essay, short story, screenplay, or poem whose message inspires “turning us and them into we.”

The award is an annual recognition of a writer whose work is aligned with the mission, vision and values of Getting To We, a non-profit 501c3 organization that helps people understand their core identity as humans.  Getting To We provides visual media, learning resources, online tools, DEIB Edutainment, and competency-based experiences that increase social trust, enhance human connectivity, and that create a pathway toward a healthier society for all of us. We encourage nominations that support this mission.


Eligibility Criteria

  1. The book, essay, short story, screen play, or poem has a message of inclusion, equity, or building social trust across human differences.
  2. The themes in the book, essay, short story, screenplay or poem must reflect social challenges experienced in the U.S.
  3. The book, essay, short story, screen play or poem must be published through a curated process (traditional or independent publisher) in the United States, preferably within the last five years.
  4. The book, essay, screen play, or poem resonates with a wide, diverse, audience of readers evidenced by good reviews within the writing industry and popular buzz on social media platforms with general audiences.


Nomination Process

  1. Books, essays, short stories, screenplays, or poems can be nominated by completing and submitting the nomination form.
  2. The selection committee is not obligated to review or consider any nomination or to respond to inquiries about specific nominations or the award selection.


The Award

  1. The award is selected by a committee of avid readers and contributors to achieving GTW’s mission and forwarding its values.
  2. Although literary quality is taken into consideration, the award is selected for its message of “turning us and them into we” and its impact on readers.
  3. The Words Create Worlds Award is announced via GTW’s newsletter and social media platforms.
  4. GTW hosts a virtual awards ceremony in September showcasing the writer and the work.
  5. The writer receives a monetary award of $2,500 and a commemorative trophy.


Books, essays, short stories, screen plays, or poems can be nominated by completing and submitting the nomination form below.



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